Thursday 11 August 2011


FAITH IN SELF HEALING has come as a huge new interest to me. l have turned to self healing due to the fraustration l am having from the Doctor's. l can't have an honest answer or they haven't got results yet so, can you come in on another day. l do have a list of things that are really getting me stressed. 
At this point l know l don't need the stress and l have turned to self help. How do l help myself? This is to look at my situation and make use of my own abilities to self help. Meditation, which l learnt through a friend who does holistic therapy. I have also been reading alot on the subject and last night a friend and we got talking. l mentioned about the subject and she recommended l read up on " The Celestian Prophency by James Redfield".  
l therefore, searched the internet on the subject and l believe there is even a film about it. l will look into it and have an understanding on what l am about to learn. It's true when they say "life is a journey and one never stops learning". 
So, this morning l have had the first lesson and have managed to do without having to struggle with the constipation. That is less medication that l have to take daily. It's funny how you woory about opening your bowles. It is a major problem when you are on pain medication. This is a psychological issue, big time that it becomes a must. Things we take for granted when you are well become a necessity in long term illness. Yes, you actually pray to open your bowles. In nursing it is regarded as one of the most important issues in assessing a patient.

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